Compile a single accuracy report from multiple sessions

There are situations in which you may wish to validate a single layer in multiple sessions. The reason for this is either because your map is greater than 2GB, which is the limit for shapefiles, or you want to assign certain classes to different validators, e.g., those with specific expertise in interpreting certain classes. These multiple sessions then need to be combined into a single accuracy report. This feature has now been added to LACO-Wiki. From the Manage your Reports screen (Figure 24), you can select multiple validation sessions in the drop-down box next to the Create button. This will combine the validations into a single confusion matrix and calculate one set of accuracy measures.

Note that the user must choose the correct validation sessions. This means they must have been interpreted using the same validation method (i.e., blind, plausibility or enhanced plausibility) and the same type of data set (i.e., raster of vector).

Last updated